Attractive Sites to Behold
If you are on your way to Seymour, one thing you must be wondering about is what sites would leave you wowed. You might just be asking if any site will leave you wowed. Well, since you are asking, we will answer. There is a large number of attractions that makes Seymour a destination worth going. It offers a wide range of sights that are worth leaving wherever you are to explore. These sights ensure that you can leave wowed and truly have enjoyed the best possible experience there is.
So, if you are worried about missing out on attractions with a visit to Seymour, then you are mistaken. With Seymour, you’ll get a list of the best attractions in Australia. So, what are you waiting for? We welcome you to explore our attractions to the fullest.
Our Attractions
Our attractions cut across the following.
Australian Army Tank Museum
This attraction is located just around 10 kilometres to the west of Seymour. This is the renowned Puckapunyal Military Base. It offers on display over 80 armoured vehicles and tanks. Even more, you will also find other amazing military memorabilia. So, if you are interested in military attractions, this is where you want to be.
Australian Light Horse Memorial Park
Another attraction that you’ll find mesmerising is this Memorial Park. Guess what, it was once an army camp. As such, you will still get access to relics of the of days when you decide to explore this 140-hectare landscape. However, that’s not the only thing it enjoys. You also enjoy the bushland and picnic area with a vast accumulation of fauna and flora. This ensures that you can enjoy the ambience and have a great time.
Seymour Railway Heritage Centre
Another attraction that you would enjoy visiting Seymour for is this railway heritage centre. This offers a blast to the past when railways locomotives were in vogue. In this centre, you will get exposed to preserved Victorian railways. Don’t forget, the locomotives that you’ve probably only heard or read about.
You can even take it up a notch. You can easily do this by enjoying a rail journey. However, this is not just any rail journey. Instead, it is one in a restored train. This ensures that you enjoy the complete experience.
Avenel Maze
Another attraction that you want to explore is this maze located around 17 kilometres north-east of your destination – Seymour. This location provides you access to an amazing and stunning landscape that will blow your mind away. You can even enjoy a very realistic experience as you meander through this landscape for a wonderful experience.
Contact us for more information or enquires. The attractions are budget-friendly. We want you to have as great a time as possible without having to break the bank. So, get ready to get your mind blown away almost free.